Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh the Shame: Part One

      I can honestly say that I am a person who is rarely ashamed at the things I have done, because I usually try to do the right thing. Lately though there have been several things that I am ashamed of. First and foremost is the fact that my last posting was months ago. Turns out there are a few people who read and enjoy this thing and to you all I am sorry. There was that whole wedding thing I had going on. But in all earnestness I am sorry that I have been absent for quite some time. The good news is that I am back and have a few things to post here.
Charlie's pre-wedding paddle. 
            The second thing that I am ashamed of is the state of my craft room/office. And I should be ashamed. It’s awful. Or well it was. But more on that later let’s get caught up on what has been happening. Ok so work has been ok, I am still plugging along with school (almost done yay!) and oh yeah I got married!
            Be forewarned I will probably get a little sappy here…
My favorite picture.
I can't believe that I make him smile like this
I don't usually like pictures of myself
especially when I am making funny faces
but this one kinda rocks
One of the highlights of the reception. Canoe full of beer
            I will admit it planning your own wedding is tough and sometimes a down right pain in the ass, but so am I. I won’t lie it was hard at times, but you know what I got it done and had a lot of help getting there. So first off is thanks to all of my friends and family who helped with our big day. I have to say it was pretty perfect. I had more than one person say to me “the ceremony was perfect. It was so you guys.” And that is exactly what I wanted a ceremony that reflected both of us, and I have to say I NAILED IT! We couldn’t have asked for a better day. The weather was perfect not too cool but not too warm. This made the hanging by the fire pit at the end of the night perfect. The ceremony was short and sweet, which was good because we were almost upstaged by a bunch of geese and a bald eagle. Down by the river you never know what you are going to get. There are a few things that will always stand out in my mind about the ceremony: first is when Dad handed me the flask before the walk down the isle. He may not have known it then, well who am I kidding, he knew that was exactly what I needed and it totally put me at ease. The second thing was that I didn’t cry. At all! And Charlie was the one who got a little choked up which was sweet. I was sure that I was going to be a mess. Turns out I am pretty good under pressure. I have to say though while I was standing there I was afraid that both Charlie and I were going to just burst out laughing. We have been known to have giggling fits and especially when we get nervous. And the fact that he couldn’t stand still to save his life was pretty entertaining. The last thing that I will always remember was the Big Blue Bus! My bosses at River City Rafting, Travis, and Travis were kind enough to let us borrow the rafting bus as well as Mary (the driver) to get all of our guests where they needed to be. I have to say it was pretty cool. I don’t know why the bus stands out so much maybe because it was just so big and so blue. I have to say though (and this will sound weird) that is the most clothing I have worn while riding that bus. Usually I am in rafting gear in the middle of the summer.
Saying our vows
            The reception was great. Everyone couldn’t stop talking about the food, and with good reason. It was amazing. I had my best friend Lyndsey’s mom cater for us. I have to say she went above and beyond and we had plenty of leftovers to take with us to the beach! (yummmm) Like most of our day it was very laid back. We got to mingle a little with everyone and all around just had a great time. Charlie’s sister got some great pictures of us down at one of our favorite spots on the river- third drop of pipeline. I will post them as soon as I get them I promise.
            We had a great time at the beach thanks to some amazing friends Rob and Rotha who let us crash at their beach house. And I say crash because that is just about what we did. We were so lazy. It was kinda nice. Then they made a much-needed appearance at the end of the week, which was perfect because we were at that point of almost being bored. Because of that trip Charlie is now professional kite flier. Jury is still out on the professional part. And I managed to get sunburn.
            The hard part about all of this is to get back into a normal routine. For some reason it still feels a little unsettled but we are getting there. I think that we have settled nicely into married life, and I am still giddy about the fact that I have a husband. They tell me that will wear off, but I can’t see how.
            So I am going to get back to, cooking and crafting and keeping up with my blog. I promise.

     Mrs, Holland

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