Wednesday, April 18, 2012

   And it Begins...
  After much consideration, and some great encouragement form one very amazing woman Becky, I have finally decided that I am going to start a blog. So here it is...
   I hope to share some of the events in my life that I swear would never happen to anyone else but me. I hope that you find my antics entertaining, the art projects inspiring, and if nothing else I hope that the pictures are decent.

   Just so you know who I will be speaking about on a pretty regular basis here is the line up:

         Charlie Holland: Paddling Companion, Best Friend, Love of my Life, and all around good guy. He doesn't always make that face I promise.

     Angus: Best Bud to one Charlie Holland and a total "Momma's Boy" How could I not be a sucker for that face?

   And finally Seven: AKA "Big Brown Dog" Lover of Tennis Balls, Professional Drooler, and Best Bud to Me. Don't let the cute face fool you she's trouble.

  These three tend to get into the most trouble with me so you will see them often, but I am sure that more characters will be added.

Let the Blogging begin!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I can "catch" up with you between phone dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Absolutely! And our date next weekend will be so much fun! I'll be calling you about that this week!

  2. Replies
    1. I have to say Becky it feels great! I have a ton of ideas already
